A beautiful 2-week family vacation in Grand Cayman will do a lot to add some perspective to your life, and cause you to look at what's currently going on. Add to that the beginning of Holy week today (Palm Sunday,) and I personally began to think through my life priorities, how I'm organizing them, what I'm doing with my time, and what brings me joy. It became apparent that over the last few months, I began to lose a bit of focus on the ultimate goal with the Roadster project...and frankly, with life...it's the JOURNEY.

Heck, if I just wanted a fast car that sounds awesome that I could drive this summer, it's a heck of a lot easier to just go buy one. BUT I DON'T WANT TO BUY ONE! I WANT TO BUILD ONE! It's the building that is the fun.

With this all in mind, I've taken a good hard look at my timeline, and my goals for the car. I'm taking a bit of a step back, and making plans to really enjoy the build. I'll likely be driving it for years and years, God willing, so what's a few months.

As I tripped over a bunch of stuff I'd been trying to ignore in the shop, I was glad that I could take the time to move it, organize it, and begin to clean up the shop I've been neglecting.

So, for the time being, more focus on God, family, and just taking my time. I want to spend some time reorganizing and cleaning the shop, fix my front doors on the shop (they stick), and get Michelle's project organized and stored (she's taking a bit of a break as well.) After that, I'll finish up the wiring and interior. It remains to be seen whether I just keep moving forward and do paint and body. Summer's warmer temperatures are better than fighting cold and paying to heat the shop, so that's an option. Plus, doing the sanding outside instead of inside the shop will make clean up WAYYYY easier.

More updates to come, but probably even slower than before!


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